Ordinary Members

A person is qualified to be enrolled as an ordinary member of the Institute if that person

  1. works in a financial institution and has
  2. a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution or the equivalent qualification


  1. The Institute organizes Continuing Professional Development Programmes on a regular basis to help members sharpen their skills and stay up to date on industry trends. As a result, Ordinary members will be entitled to at least one free CPD for the year and enjoy discounts on other Continuing Professional Development programmes of the Institute.
  2. Ordinary members will have an excellent networking opportunity with other industry practitioners on the Institute’s shared platforms and knowledge-building events which create value for the bank and its staff.
  3. Ordinary Members can also be signed onto the CIB Social Care Plan to contribute and enjoy cover relating to death, permanent and temporal disability, and retrenchment.

Ready to start the online registration process, CLICK HERE

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“We have a clear and compelling reason to re-professionalise banking and to be the trusted bankers that our industry so much needs.”

Robert Dzato
CEO, Chartered Institute of Bankers, Ghana

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