How To Apply For Exemptions

1. Student Members may qualify for exemptions based on their qualifications and supporting transcripts submitted to the Institute.

2. An applicant should download an exemption application form from the Institute’s website.

3. The Completed form and original or certified true copy of Transcript(s) and Certificate(s) from the awarding Institutions should be submitted to the Institute through the Email:

4. An applicant is given an exemption offer letter if qualified.

5. An applicant is required to pay the exemption fee for a Confirmation Letter to be issued by the Institute. An applicant is not eligible to register and sit for the paper(s) at the next level in an Examination if exemption fees are not paid.

6. Payment can be made through the following:

Consolidated Bank Ghana Ltd                

A/C Name : Chartered Institute of Bankers, Ghana                   

A/C No. : 0371919100003                                     

Branch : Kokomlemle      

GCB Bank

A/C Name: Chartered Institute of Bankers, Ghana

A/C : 103113000069

Branch: Legon

Ecobank Ghana

A/C Name: Chartered Institute of Bankers, Ghana

A/C : 1441002135095

Branch: Reinsurance House


MOMO USERS: 949433

NON-MOMO USERS  : 0595819788

Notify the Institute by sending proof of payments through the Email,

7. Exemptions offered and the related fee are valid only in the year of offer and subject to review based on the prevailing fees and criteria of the subsequent year.

8. An application for exemptions may be declined through writing if an applicant does not meet the requirements.

9. Terms and Conditions Apply. NB:(Fees paid are Not Refundable)

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“We have a clear and compelling reason to re-professionalise banking and to be the trusted bankers that our industry so much needs.”

Robert Dzato
CEO, Chartered Institute of Bankers, Ghana

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