A student member may not be allowed to register and sit for an examination if he/ she breaks any rule as outlined in the Professional Code of Ethics.

A student member shall qualify to write an examination if:

  • The candidate completes the prescribed forms.
  • Pays the prescribed fees and other charges.
  • Has fully discharged all other obligations to the Institute.
  • The deadline for submission of examination forms should be strictly adhered to.
  • Late registration should not be accepted or should attract a penalty per subject to be determined; for five working days after the deadline.
  • A student member is required to pass papers in one Level before proceeding to the next level. However, a student is allowed to carry one paper from a preceding Level to the next level.

The following should be noted:

  • Strict silence must be observed on entering the examination hall and during the examinations
  • Candidates should report to the examination hall/room at least 30 minutes before the time indicated on the timetable
  • A Candidate who arrived after 30 minutes should not be allowed in at all. In exceptional cases, the candidate should secure permission from the invigilator who will report the circumstance to the Chief Supervisor and Examinations Committee.
  • No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall/room permanently until half an hour after the start of the examination.
  • Copies of the Examination Timetable can be found on the CIB (GH) website and the Notice Board of the various examination centers. Copies of the Examination Timetable shall be sent to all candidates, and they must ensure they get copies of the timetable. The Timetable shall also be found on the student’s portal as part of their authority to sit for the examination. If it becomes necessary for any changes to be made in the timetables, candidates will be informed accordingly.
  • That candidate should occupy the place assigned to him/her in the examination hall. This will have the Name, Student Membership Number (SMN), and corresponding Seat Numbers of the students on the examination tables.
  • Candidates are required to have in their possession their Membership Identification Cards since these would be checked by the invigilators.
  • A Candidate who happens to misplace his/her Membership Identification Card during the exam period shall inform the Supervisors. The supervisors shall communicate the information to the Main CIB office for authentication and a duplicate ID shall be issued where necessary to allow the student to continue to sit for the rest of the examinations.
  • Candidates shall not take books, papers, or written information of any kind to the examination hall/room unless they are specifically requested to do so. No scribbling paper or anything that can be passed from one candidate to another is allowed. Rough work and calculations must be done in the answers booklet and then crossed through to show that they are not part of the answers. Candidates should not copy the questions into their answer booklets.
  • It shall be the candidates’ responsibility to provide for themselves such materials as a pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, calculator for the examination. Borrowing of these materials will not be allowed. Candidates are to ensure that they are given the right question paper and other material(s) needed for the examination.
  • Candidates are to use their membership Identification numbers throughout the examination. Candidates are particularly asked to read the instructions in the question papers before answering the questions. It is most important for candidates to write their index numbers correctly on all their examination papers.
  • On receipt of the answer booklet, candidates should carefully read the instructions on the front cover of the answer booklet and enter their index numbers and other details as required.
  • Candidates may leave the examination room/hall temporarily only with the express permission of the invigilator.
  • Any candidate leaving an examination room/hall and intending to return shall be accompanied.
  • Mobile phones, smartwatches, and similar electronic devices are not allowed in the examination room/hall.
  • Hearing aid: Candidates with hearing disabilities may with permission of the supervisor, be allowed to bring a hearing aid into the Examination Hall/room.
  • Candidates would be told by the invigilator(s) when to start answering the questions. Candidates would be allowed 15 minutes of reading time.
  • No communication whatsoever, between candidates, is permitted during the examination. A candidate may attract the attention of the invigilator by raising his/her hand.
  • As soon as the “STOP WORK” order is announced, candidates are to stop writing. Candidates should remain seated for their answer booklets to be collected by the invigilator/invigilation assistant before they leave the examination hall/room. Candidates have the personal responsibility of ensuring that their answer booklets are collected by the invigilator/invigilation assistant.
  • At the end of each examination, candidates should ensure that the order in which questions are answered is entered in the space provided on the answer booklet. All used supplementary sheets should be fastened following the last page of the booklets.
  • At the end of each examination, candidates should not take away any used or unused answer booklets or any material supplied for the examination apart from the question paper.
  • The examination question paper will only be allowed to be taken out 30 minutes to the end of the examination.
  • Tearing question paper or answer booklets during the examination is an offense.
  • Candidates who go contrary, to the spirit and letter of these examination rules and regulations may be dismissed from the examination room/hall and their papers canceled.

The Lead Supervisor shall:

  • Invite a candidate on the examination day to inspect the parcel of examination questions whether it is intact before it is opened.
  • Pass round an attendance list during the examination for candidates to validate their membership numbers, names, and signatures.
  • Inform candidates not to write in the space for marks.
  • Inform candidates to answer each main question on a separate page.
  • Candidates shall only be allowed to leave the examination hall to attend to nature’s call. The candidate shall ask permission to go to the washroom and shall be accompanied by an invigilator. Failure to comply with this may attract sanctions.

The Invigilators must:

  • Check index numbers of all candidates and identification cards
  • Ensure that the attendance list is ticked (P) for candidates who are present, and (A) for those absent and no space should be left blank for any candidate.
  • Only persons authorized by the Chief Supervisor/Supervisor should be allowed access into the examination hall/room

Supervisors and invigilators must ensure that candidates take into the examination room or hall only those materials which are permitted. Candidates are not allowed to bring unauthorized materials including bags, books, knives, etc., to the examination center.

  • Only official examination stationery is to be used
  • Candidates are not allowed to bring mobile phones and similar electronic devices (whether the phone is switched on or off) into the examination room or hall. 20
  • The invigilator must ensure that his/her cell phone is off/on silent mode for the duration of the examination. It is not encouraged that the invigilators receive or make calls intermittently during the examinations.

The invigilator must:

A. Check:

  • Candidates are seated on the correct seats
  • Candidates have all the necessary materials iii. That the question paper is intact and that it is the correct question paper.

B. Warn:

  • Candidates are now subject to examination regulations
  • All unauthorized material must have been handed in (calculators, dictionaries and mathematical tables may only be used where permitted by the paper)
  • Candidates are forbidden to communicate with anyone whilst in the examination room or hall.

C. Inform

  • Draw attention to the instructions on the question paper
  • Remind candidates they must write in blue ink Correction fluid must not be used.
  • Advise that all work, including rough work, must be done on the answer booklets


  • Open the question paper packets in the presence of the candidates.
  • Instruct the candidates to enter candidates’ index numbers at the spaces indicated on the answer booklets.
  • Announce clearly when the candidates may begin writing their answers, having specified the time allowed for the examination
  • All leftover question papers should be returned to the Examinations Committee by the Lead Supervisor.
  • On no occasion should an invigilator have a question paper or be reading the questions in the examination hall.

A. The invigilators should not:

  • Answer any question concerning the context of the examination paper
  • Confirm there is an error unless an error notice has been issued for the examination question paper from the Examinations Committee.

B. The invigilators should:

  • Respond quickly to a candidate to minimize the disturbance to other candidates
  • Ensure candidates fill in all necessary particulars.
  •  A candidate must NEVER leave the examination room unsupervised if he/she intends to return and continue the examination.
  • No candidate is permitted to leave the examination room permanently until 30 minutes after the starting time of the examination.
  • An Invigilator can only leave the room to follow a candidate if another invigilator is present. NEVER leave the candidates unattended.
  • Call for assistance if you are the sole invigilator and you need to leave the examination room.
  • Invigilators must remove and retain any unauthorized material found in a candidate’s possession.
  • The invigilator must report all cases of irregularity or misconduct to the Chief Invigilator
  • Any infringement of the regulations by a candidate may lead to disqualification by Council.
  • If the conduct of a candidate is such that his/her continued presence in the examination hall/room would disrupt others, then he/she may be sent out of the examination room.

The Lead supervisor must:

  • Inform the candidates when five (5) minutes are left to the end of the paper.
  • When the time is up, instruct the candidates to STOP writing.
  • Instruct candidates to assemble their work in order and fasten them together with strings to secure their answer booklets.
  • Collect scripts and ensure all work is collected from desks including rough work
  • Arrange scripts in the order candidates are listed on the Attendance Register
  • Place scripts in a script envelope and correctly and clearly label the pack.
  • Ensure the number of worked scripts in the envelopes correspond to the number of candidates present for the examinations on the Attendance Register


  • A candidate who is found before or during an examination, to have had foreknowledge of the contents of any examination paper shall be disqualified from taking that examination paper.
  • The candidates’ results if he/she had written previous papers in the examination shall be withheld pending approval for the cancellation of the paper by the Council.

Any individual who:

  • (i) Before an examination gives an examination paper/related information to any person or
  • (ii) Discloses the contents of any examination paper to any person:
  • (iii) Commits an offence and shall be handed over to the Police for prosecution.
  • Where cases of leakage are established at a center, the entire results of the candidates offering the subject(s) at that center shall be withheld pending approval for the cancellation of the entire results by the Council.
  • Where a candidate is involved in the leakage of any subject shall have their entire results withheld pending cancellation by the appropriate committee of Council.
  • Where a person is caught impersonating a candidate, that person shall be handed over to the Police for prosecution. The entire results of the person being impersonated and those of the impersonator, if that person is also a candidate, shall be withheld pending approval for cancellation by Council.
  • Both the impersonator and the impersonated shall be barred from taking any examination conducted by CIB.
  • The Council also reserves the right to publish the names of persons so barred in the students’ journal.
  • Where a candidate is caught during the examination passing notes for help from another candidate (s), receiving or giving assistance, talking with, or colluding in any manner with another candidate(s), the entire results of the candidate(s) involved shall be withheld pending the cancellation of his/her/their result(s) for the subject involved by Council.
  • Where cases of cheating are detected in the script(s) and/or otherwise established in one paper, the result of the subject for the candidate(s) involved shall be canceled by Council.
  • Where a candidate is found in the examination hall with notes, textbooks, prepared materials or any other printed materials, the candidate’s entire results in the examination shall be withheld pending the cancellation of the result of the subject involved by Council.
  • Where a candidate is found with a programmable calculator in the examination hall, the entire results of the candidate shall be withheld pending the cancellation of the result of the subject involved by Council.
  •  Where a candidate is found with a mobile phone or any other electronic communication device in the examination hall, the entire results of the candidate shall be withheld pending approval for the cancellation of his/her entire results by Council.

A. Where a candidate is apprehended for offense (s) such as those listed below inside or outside the examination hall, the candidate’s results in the entire examination shall be withheld pending approval and for cancellation of the entire results by the Council.

  • Stealing, covering, or misappropriating the script(s) of other candidates
  • Substituting worked scripts during or after examination
  • Seeking or receiving help from non-candidates (s) such as Invigilator(s), Supervisor(s), Teacher(s), or other personalities during the examination.

B. Where the person giving help is not a candidate for the examination in session but a prospective candidate, he/she shall be barred from taking any examination conducted by the Institute and will also be reported to the appropriate authority for disciplinary action to be taken against him/her. In addition to the above action, the candidate’s entire results shall be withheld pending approval for the cancellation of the paper by the Council.

C. Where a candidate is apprehended for offense (s) such as those listed below inside or outside the examination hall, the candidate’s entire results shall be withheld pending approval for the cancellation of the results by the Council.

  • Tearing part of the question paper or answer booklet during the examination.
  • Refusing to submit worked scripts to the Supervisor after the examination.
  • Starting to write an examination before commencement of work is officially announced OR continuing to write after official orders have been given for candidates to stop work.
  • Other irregular activities within the immediate precincts of the examination hall before, during or after the examination.

If it is established that a candidate insults or assaults a supervisor/invigilator in the lawful performance of his/her duties inside or outside the examination hall:

  • The entire results of the candidates shall be withheld pending investigations of the incident by the Council.
  • The candidate shall be handed over to the Police for prosecution. In addition, he/she shall be barred from taking any examination conducted by CIB for a period not less than two years.

Where a candidate, in contravention to the instructions to candidates, writes with a pencil instead of ink, his/her entire results shall be withheld pending cancellation of his/her results for the subject concerned by Council.

  • Exams Venues (change to Exams Centers)
  • Examiner’s Reports
  • Past Questions & Reports (remove the reports)


  • Exemption Policy

Exemptions are granted in Levels 1, 2, and 3 only of the new program, based on the applicant’s qualification(s).

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