Mr. Robert Dzato, ACIBCEO

Areas of expertise
- Chief Executive Officer
- Strategy Consultant
- Chartered Banker & Accountant
Mr. Robert Dzato was appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of Chartered Institute of Bankers, Ghana (CIB Ghana) in October 2022. He is an experienced financial services professional and management consultant with a demonstrated history of working in the accounting and banking industry in multicultural environments (London, Edinburgh, Lagos, Accra, Monrovia, etc). Mr. Dzato is a chartered banker and a chartered accountant. He has a Bachelor of Management Studies degree from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Holds a master’s degree in international Consultancy and Accounting with a focus on IFRS, International Accounting, and Consulting Practice Management from Reading University Business School. He is also a Chartered Banker with membership in Ghana and Scotland.
With over 19 years of work experience across various industries and in multicultural environments, he has a breadth and depth of understanding of the financial services industry, having worked as a banker and management consultant in Ghana, Nigeria, England, Scotland, and other West African countries. He has led the design of strategy and facilitated several executive committee and board strategy sessions in and outside of Ghana.
Prior to joining CIB Ghana, Mr. Dzato was working with KPMG where he was the Lead, Financial Services Strategy, Operations & Customer Solutions in the Management Consulting practice for KPMG in Ghana. Before joining KPMG, he was an Associate Director in the HNI clients’ segment at Standard Chartered Bank, prior to which he was Head of Consumer Banking Academy and CB Manco member at Standard Chartered Bank, Ghana.
With his deep market relationship with the Central Bank, Ministry of Finance, and other regulators as well as universal banks, insurance, and asset management entities, Mr. Dzato is currently leading Chartered Institute of Bankers, Ghana to strategically deliver its mandate as established by Chartered Institute of Bankers Ghana Act, 2019 (Act 991).